
The purpose of the Scholarship Committee is to administer the application process for scholarships for men and women of the Washington-Alaska District who are going into full-time church work and to award funds received through the voluntary donation of monetary gifts or mission grants. 

The deadline to submit the application is April 15, 2025. To apply for a district scholarship, access the forms with instructions below:

Grace Macduff graduated in February from the Deaconess program studies through Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. Grace's home church is Bethlehem Lutheran Church Kennewick, Washington, and she is an active member of Lutheran Women in Mission.  Read Grace's message.

Scholarship Awards for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Reverend Matthew Both continues his studies at the Mission Training Center in Irvine, California. He serves as Associate Pastor of Missions and Outreach at King of Kings Lutheran Church in Renton, Washington, where he lives with his wife Rebecca and family.

Justin Chester continues his studies at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He plans to become a pastor. His home church is Messiah Lutheran Church in Marysville, Washington. Justin is married and has two young children.


Benjamin Oesch continues his studies at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. His home church is Messiah Lutheran Church in Marysville, Washington. Ben intends to become a pastor.

Isaac Stults is beginning his studies at Concordia University in Irvine, California. His home church is Zion Lutheran Church in Snohomish, Washington. Upon completion of his studies at Concordia, he plans to attend seminary to become a pastor.

Scholarships - What You Need to Know

When members of the LWML Washington-Alaska District desired to support individuals preparing to serve the Lord in church careers, they established a scholarship fund supported by donations. Contributions to this fund may be made by:

  • Individuals
  • Local LCMS Churches
  • Local LWML Groups
  • Scholarship Memorial Cards

A mission grant, if voted in by the members of the LWML Washington-Alaska District at a convention in even-numbered years, was given to specific seminary students. Now, that same mission grant, if voted in, goes into the scholarship fund so one pool of money will fund students wanting to go into full-time church work.

Today you can give directly to the scholarship fund and have your donation used only for scholarships, or you can give to Mites and a portion of that gift will provide scholarships for future pastors, teachers, deaconesses, and others planning to dedicate their life to work within the church.

Scholarships are awarded to individuals who have a home congregation in the district, plan to become full time church workers, are enrolled in a synodical seminary or university, and have demonstrated a financial need. Currently, the award is up to $2,000 a year for post-graduate students and up to $1,000 for undergraduates, which is sent directly to the financial office of the seminary or university and applied to tuition.