The purpose of the Structure Committee is to keep the bylaws and related resources flexible, while maintaining the legal status of the organization.

Marjorie O'Rourke - Vice President of Organizational Resources
But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way (1 Corinthians 14:40 NIV).

Process for Proposed Amendments to Bylaws
The following is a summary of the process. See the detailed process which includes how many copies need to be sent, etc. by using the "Bylaw Amendment Process" tab above.
~ Once you have your proposed amendments to your bylaws, submit the changes to the District Structure Committee Chairman for review and approval.
~ The District Structure Committee will review your bylaws within a two-month time frame. If all is well, then approval is given.
~ After the proposed amendments to your bylaws have been approved, you can present them to your society or zone to vote for adoption.
~ After adoption, send the amended bylaws to the District Structure Committee Chairman.
~ It is highly recommended that you e-mail your proposed amendments to your District Structure Committee to save paper and postage.