Mission Grants

The purpose of the Mission Grants Committee is to review and publish mission grant requests, to oversee the distribution of approved mission grants money, and to encourage the giving of mites. 

Scroll down this page for the many resources available, including proposal forms, mite box information, mission grant posters, and a list of grants approved at the June 2024 Biennial Convention in Everett, Washington.

Mission Grants Committee: 

Solveig Schick (Chair), Donna Chow, Carol Coerber

Greetings from Solveig Schick, VP of Gospel Outreach

How can we shine a light on missions?

That was the question I asked at a recent zone presidents meeting and I was overwhelmed with wonderful ideas. Some LWML groups highlight an LWML mission, using a story and devotion published on lwml.org during each monthly meeting; some groups post a “Mission of the Month” on their bulletin board, using the posters available on wa-aklwml.org; some have a periodic visit to the congregation from a caped “Mighty Mite” who points to how God uses the mite box to support His missions; some use a “Loud” mite offering in metal buckets to “drum” up support for missions;  some put short mission

descriptions in their church bulletins on the Sunday they collect mites; some include specific missions in their congregation’s prayers of the church.Through our mite offerings and the ministries they support, we participate in sharing the gospel throughout the world! Praise the Lord! And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15).

Read Solveig's complete Gospel Outreach Report for January 2025.

Upcoming Mission Grants

January 2025 report from the Mission Grants Committee

2024-2026 Biennium Mission Grants

Approved at the 2024 Biennial Convention

Grant Recipient Amount Status to date
1. Aid to Washington-Alaska District Scholarship Fund $16,000 $3,000
2. Pastor Parsonage - Soldotna, Alaska $7,000 Paid in full
3. Second Harvest Mobile Food Truck - Republic, Washington $6,000 Paid in full
4. Aid to Washington-Alaska District for Short-Term Missions $5,000
5. Bring Hope, Help, and Healing to Pastors, Ministry Workers, and Spouses - Shepherd's Canyon Retreat $3,000 Paid in full
6. Seeing Christ Through Dots of Love - Lutheran Braille Workers $5,000 Paid in full
7. Concordia Theological Seminary Food and Clothing Co-op - Food for Seminary Students in Fort Wayne, Indiana $1,000 Paid in full
8. Expanding Gospel Proclamation Worldwide - Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri $1,000 Paid in full
9. Orphan Grain Train - Mercy Meals $10,000
10. 55 X 55 Initiative LAMP Ministry - British Columbia, Canada $1,000
11. Strip Church Ministries - Seattle, Washington $3,000
12. Lutheran Ministry Services Northwest - Adopt a Care Center $3,500
13. Feeding Haitian Children for the Kingdom - Trinity HOPE $10,000
14. Concordia International Radio Saves Lives Spiritually and Physically - Jacamel, Haiti $2,000
15. Orphan Grain Train - Reaching Out to Ukrainians $5,000
16. Walking Together in the Mission Field- Alliance Missionaries - LCMS $1,500
TOTAL $80,000

"Thank you" letter from Sally Eastwood at Trinity Lutheran Church in Republic - Second Harvest Food Truck, Grant #3 for $6,000.

"Thank you" letter from the Shepherd's Canyon Retreat Ministry in Arizona, Grant #5 for $3,000.

Update on Mission Grant #13 Winter 2025

Trinity HOPE - Feeding Haitian Children

The Widow's Mites

Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny. Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth, but she, out of her poverty, put in everything — all she had to live on" (Mark 12:41-44).