Logo Explanation
The LWML Washington-Alaska District logo shows a cross on a mountain highlighted against the sky, surrounded below by the state flowers representing the four states that have LWML societies in the District.
The flowers, from the left, are the Alaskan Alpine Forget-Me-Not in blue, the white Syringa from Idaho, the yellow Oregon Grape, and the Washington Coast Rhododendron in pink. While Washington and Alaska have the most societies in our district, we also have two societies along the northeast border of Oregon and a number of societies in Idaho across the state border from Spokane.
The logo was designed and drawn by Sue Stoltz of Our Redeemer, Chugiak, Alaska with additional suggestions from Carmen Nagel. Buttons with the new logo were first used at the national LWML Convention in 2001, in San Jose, California to identify the members of the LWML Washington-Alaska District. The logo has been embroidered on shirts that can be purchased through the District Board.
In order to protect the integrity of this logo, it may not be reproduced on products that can be sold or given away without permission from the LWML Washington-Alaska District Executive Committee. It may be copied from this website to be used on paper documents to publicize the LWML Washington-Alaska district, for district, zone and for society events.

Washington - The Coast Rhododendron is the state flower. It can be pink, yellow, white, red or purple in color. Also known as the "Rhodie", this floral species was chosen in a vote by state women in 1893 over the clover plant.
Alaska - Alaska's state flower is the Alpine Forget-Me-Not. It was chosen in 1949. The Alpine Forget-Me-Not is a perennial that grows 5 to 12 inches high in alpine meadows. The flowers have five connected salviform petals, colored sky blue, that are a quarter to a third of an inch wide.
Idaho - The Syringa (Philadelphus lewisii) was designated the state flower of Idaho by the legislature in 1931. It is a branching shrub with clusters of white, fragrant flowers. The blossoms are similar to the mock orange, have four petals, and the flowers grow at the ends of short, leafy branches.
Oregon - The Oregon State flower is the Oregon Grape. A low growing plant, the Oregon Grape is native to much of the Pacific Coast and found sparsely east of the Cascades. Its year-round foliage of pinnated, waxy green leaves resembles holly. The plant bears dainty yellow flowers in early summer and a dark blue berry that ripens late in the fall. The fruit can be used in cooking.