Young Women



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About the Committee

    The Young Women Committee was established to help encourage and
    organize the young women to be active members of LWML. The
    committee is responsible for the Young Women program in the
    Washington-Alaska District and establishes and reviews guidelines
    and forms for young women to attend the national LWML convention
                   every two years.

Young Woman Representatives at LWML Conventions

District YWRs are selected at the society or zone level to participate in the biennial LWML Washington-Alaska District Convention. District YWRs participate in special programming geared towards young women, and also learn more about LWML at the district level.

Two young women are selected by the Young Women Committee to attend the national LWML convention as representatives of our district. These young women (known as National YWRs) attend the convention alongside their District President, as well as participate in a special program geared toward young women provided by the LWML Committee on Young Women. As National YWRs, they will be asked to share their experience at the national convention at the society, zone or district level. National YWRs will also participate at the district level by serving on a committee for at least two years after attending the LWML convention.

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity (1 Timothy 4:12).


More Information

Additional information from the LWML Committee on Young Women can be found here.



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Site design by Gene Hansen and Charli Hamaker